Sophia is LOVING having a tree with lights up. She stares at the lights CONSTANTLY when they are on. Unfortunately, this means that when we tried to get a family picture in front of the tree she was NOT having it. NOT ONE BIT! Sunday's aren't a good day to plan this sort of thing. Pictures like this need to be taken on days when we don't have anything else going on. Because with church, then lunch, and then's too much and results in Sophia being way too tired! She was a tad of a cranky pants. I hate that too, because she has such a fun and happy personality. But we can't seem to get it on camera. I'm going to try to get some cute pictures of her this week so that I can send something out with Christmas cards (ok, well we all know you'll be lucky if you get a Christmas card by April!).
Cody and I are so excited about Sophia's first Christmas. She has less than no idea what's going on really. but like most things, the gift giving really is so much fun! Since we already gave her her jumperoo we're sort of at a loss for what else to get her. She's already got a small pile of gifts that I need to wrap (I don't care that she cant open them herself, they will still be wrapped!!).
I can't wait until the years come where we can make cookies for Santa, and she can be an active part in the holiday festivities. But for not we are enjoying her just as she is. She's amazing and a blessing in a tiny little package (ok, not that tiny!)
I think that by the time Christmas comes she'll be a constant tri-poder, and she'll be turning over like a pro. She's so close to doing it on purpose that it's crazy. I still remember when she couldn't do anything but open her eyes and eat. How much changes in four months. I saw a little bitty baby (smaller than Sophia was when she was born!) and I caught my self thinking "Oh look she's a tiny baby like Sophia" and then I looked at Sophia and realized they are so different. Sophia is no longer that tiny. She's not as squishy. She doesn't like to cuddle as much as she used to. She's her own person, her own fun person...not like she was when she was really a tiny little baby!
Ok well I'm dome rambling. I am going to put a picture in here so you can all be rewarded for reading all of this! :-) And since I rarely get pictures of Cody and Sophia, here's this.
And one of the chunkstar napping.
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